The power of animation
Having animation makes your website dynamic and intriguing, its a fact (psychologically proven). It’s important to have some level of animation on the home page, as well as on other pages of your site. Be careful not to use to many that the user gets graphically confused, and can’t find your products or information.
Video. Video. Video.
Adding a video across the screen, a hero video or any time of video will increase the chances of your customer to stay on the page. Be sure to choose media that accurately represent what the site is about, but keep it vague enough to keep them interested.
image by: http://reisinger.studio
Scrolling effects
This is an incentive for the user to keep exploring. Making the scroll exiting motivates the user to learn more about your site, and making it fun to find the information.
Gallery > Paragraphs
If you can express a message visually through images, using a gallery or poster, then you will most likely capture the visitor's attention. Using paragraphs may be necessary sometimes, but do try your best to create visual communication.
Text & Image Combo
Create a poster that uses typography and an image in a clever way. It’s a great way to present the overall site’s aesthetic and visual identity. Careful, this could be a make or break visually.
Music & Sounds
This might not apply to all websites, but it sure is an attention grabber. Websites with music tend to connect with the visitors in a multi-sensory experience. Be careful with volume and sound effects, these could have negative effects on your site.
Color Finesse
Have a distinct color pallet (no more than 3-4 colors), for text, background, and logo, is great to have an intriguing visual identity. Having that splash of color to highlight important information and complementary colors is key for grabbing visitor's attention.
Thanks for reading - Edu
Partner & Creative Director